Download Forms

[text_output]Here are all the necessary rules, regs and forms that are needed to ride and train at Rolling Hills Riding Academy.  Yes Miss Kitty, there’s even paperwork for the barn.[/text_output][callout type=”left” button_icon=”angle-double-down” title=”Release and Waiver of Liability” message=”It’s all that legal stuff” button_text=”Download form” href=””][callout type=”left” button_icon=”angle-double-down” title=”New Student Registration” message=”Got to get you registered” button_text=”Download form” href=””][callout type=”left” button_icon=”angle-double-down” title=”Rates and Rules” message=”Yes, we have rules. And we like to get paid.” button_text=”Download form” href=””][callout type=”left” button_icon=”angle-double-down” title=”Camp Information” message=”General info about us” button_text=”Download form” href=””][callout type=”left” button_icon=”angle-double-down” title=”Barn Rules” message=”Yep, barns have rules too” button_text=”Download form” href=””]